COPERNICUS MARINE : Soutien à l'analyse et à la revue de la documentation qualité "produits" fournie par les centres de production MFC/TAC pour les releases produit du Copernicus Marine Service

Date limite (heure de Paris)

05 Sept. 2023 12 : 00
  • Organisme : MERCATOR OCEAN
  • Référence : 3744567
  • Lots : 2
  • Type de marché : Services
  • Type de procédure : Procédure adaptée ouverte
  • Lieu d'exécution : Haute-Garonne
  • Description : L'objet de cette consultation est d'apporter un support à MERCATOR OCEAN sur le processus de revue de la documentation qualité produit (PQ) (Quality Information Document, QUID) pour les documents livrés pour l'entrée en service de novembre 2023 dans le cadre du Copernicus Marine Service.
  • Code CPV recherché :
  • Date d'ouverture de la salle : 8 août 2023 16:10 (heure de Paris)
  • Date de fermeture de la salle : 5 septembre 2023 13:00 (heure de Paris)


Tableau d'informations sur les différents avis constitué de quatre colonnes : Référence, date d'envoi, type et lien de consultation
Référence Date d'envoi en publication Type d'avis Lire l'avis

- HTML - 14 Ko

4 août 2023 Original

Lots  2

Tableau d'informations sur les différents lots de l'avis en 3 colonnes : Numéro de lot, Intitulé et Date limite de dépôt.
N° de lot Intitulé
1 Support à l'équipe de révision de la documentation PQ pendant le processus de révision, dans tous les échanges entre les producteurs et MOi et dans le post-traitement des documents.
2 Support à l'équipe de révision de la documentation PQ pendant le processus de révision, dans tous les échanges entre les producteurs et MOi et dans le post-traitement des documents.

Questions/réponses  5

Je souhaite poser une question

2000 caractères maximum

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Ajoutez une pièce jointe facultatif

Poids max : 20 Mo

Déposez votre fichier ou cliquez ici

La taille du fichier est supérieure à 20 Mo.

  • I would have 3 more questions:
    1) Do we already need to state in the administrative proposal whether we apply as a group (co-contracting) or through sub-contracts? Or will this need to be stated later, e.g., once the contract is being prepared?
    2) The call document mentions completing a "declaration of subcontracting". Where can this be downloaded?
    3) Do all group members/sub-contractors need to hold a nationality from a EU member state? Would it be permissible if one group member/sub-contractor held a UK or even non-European nationality?
    Thank you.

    28 août 2023 00:10 (heure de Paris)

    • Réponse:
      1) Yes, you need to indicate the members of the grouping when submitting your proposal, and also if a part of the contract might be subcontracted.
      2) The subcontracting declaration is attached. It can be filled in at the beginning of the contract or just before the subcontractor starts working, but it has to be signed by Mercator Ocean in any case.
      3) I draw your attention to article 4.4 of the "Specs" document for candidates from outside the EU.

      29 août 2023 17:24 (heure de Paris)

      (DOCX, 225 Ko) Fichier joint à la réponse : Télécharger

  • Could you please clarify the following: During the document checks, are we expected to make actual changes to the QUIDs? The call document merely states that "Questions/comments/clarification to be clearly marked as ?comments? in the word document by the contractor. The producer is expected to respond to these queries."

    Does this mean that we should not make any changes to the text itself, e.g., correcting English language and grammar and/or rewriting sentences to improve clarity and logical flow? Instead, we merely point out these deficits in a margin note? E.g., "This section contains several grammatical errors and needs to be revised", and then send the document back to the producers for revision?
    Thank you.

    27 août 2023 10:54 (heure de Paris)

    • Réponse:
      Changes can be made by the contractor in the QUID (using track changes), on occasion it may be more practical to add a comment such as you suggested.
      Keeping Section 1.6 in mind. "The review is intended as a consistency and compliance check, a check of non-degradation; that the information provided makes sense; and that all information required by a user is available in the document."

      29 août 2023 17:24 (heure de Paris)

  • We are not organized as a company but as a group of self-employed individuals. There is one person legally responsible and all others have singed NDAs. Would this be a problem for Mercator Ocean? Given our setup, would we need to complete a "declaration of subcontracting" (and if so where can we find this?), or would we simply submit the proposal as a "joint grouping with a joint authorised representative clearly identified in the contract"? How would we complete the "sworn statement" in this case? Thank you.

    24 août 2023 11:27 (heure de Paris)

    • Réponse:
      Self-employed individuals are accepted. If you decide to group, you will need an authorized representative who will represent the group, and the other members will have to give mandate to this authorized representative. It can be sub-contracting or co-contracting. The choice is yours.
      The sworn statement must be completed by each member of the consortium or subcontractor as well as by the authorized representative.
      Best regards,

      25 août 2023 18:21 (heure de Paris)

  • Lot 1 has only about half the documents compared to Lot 2 (33 vs 58), however, they have nearly identical budgets with 40 and 49k€, respectively. Why is this? Are you expecting the documents in Lot 1 to be considerably larger?

    As per the call document, a "certified translation" of the technical proposal from English to French needs to be submitted within 2 months of signing the contract. Can this be included as a cost item in the itemized list?

    24 août 2023 11:25 (heure de Paris)

    • Réponse:
      1-Yes, typically MFC quality documents are more extensive than TAC documents.
      2-You can include the cost of the translation in your offer or support the cost of this translation.
      Best regards,

      25 août 2023 18:21 (heure de Paris)

  • Could you please confirm the number of QUIDs and SQOs that need to be reviewed? The tender documentation mentions approximately 91documents in total (33 for Lot 1 and 58 for Lot 2), but a precise count for QUID and SQD would be helpful.

    Furthermore, do you have specific templates that we should use for the technical proposal and the budget submission? Additionally, are there any page limits or restrictions we should be aware of for the proposal and other accompanying documents?

    Would the Europass format be acceptable for the CV submissions of our experts?

    18 août 2023 11:51 (heure de Paris)

    • Réponse:
      1-The documents to be reviewed in the scope of the call are only QUIDs, not both QUIDs and SQOs.
      The latest available information is that the number of documents is of the order of 35 MFCs +53 TACs. This could potentially change slightly but not significantly (by +- 1 or two).
      2-There is no template for the technical and financial response. We give you freedom. However, we are waiting for a response that includes the requirements of the specifications and that is detailed both technically and financially.
      3- No, there is no limit, it is to your discretion. Please be mindful by including the essential information and considering the time it'll take to go through the proposal.
      4-Yes, the Europass format would be acceptable.

      Best regards,

      24 août 2023 10:46 (heure de Paris)

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